Category / Podcast

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  • Composing trust #4: Cultural relations – a fairer way to engage between continents

    What is the relationship between diverse world regions and the dynamics that have emerged in recent years between and within the North and the South, the East and the West? We round up the podcast episode with a series of recommendations based on contributors’ professional practices, linked to cherishing and preserving local cultural expressions, promoting intercultural exchanges and mainstreaming cultural policies.

  • (Re)generating trust #2: Youth mobility to end racism

    In this second episode of the miniseries (Re)generating trust, focusing on youth and culture, features Nicky Alonga, a trailblazer in the fields of art and education in Rwanda. Nicky is a visionary entrepreneur in the creative sector who established a publishing house in Rwanda – Imagine We Rwanda – specialising in children’s books with narratives from Rwanda and Africa.

  • Composing trust #3: Cultural relations perspectives beyond the European Union

    It is time to ask ourselves: is ICR a purely Western concept? Does it have the same meaning in non-Western European contexts? This podcast episode gives voice to experts in various geographical settings with biew of contributing to the recognition of the myriad of understandings, reasonings, and realities that coexist within the realm of International Cultural Relations.

  • Composing green #1: Agroforestry and worldviews

    Agroforestry is a set of cultural traditions, practices and know-how that mix trees and agriculture. It has been practiced for thousands of years but has been almost forgotten by industrialised societies. Yet, agroforestry has a very significant role to play in climate action, Green Deal-related objectives, biodiversity loss, etc.

  • Composing trustworthiness #4: Artificial Intelligence for the future of society

    The fourth episode of the miniseries entitled Composing trustworthiness, takes a look forward, pondering on good practices, existing needs and visions for the future. A future where Artificial Intelligence is part and parcel of society and international cultural relations.

  • Composing trust #2: EU-Turkey cultural relations – what next?

    This podcast focuses on the bilateral relations between the EU and Turkey. Although in the last twenty years relations have become more tense and complicated, this has not prevented cultural professionals from continuing their cooperation work. Thus, the episode provides a rich set of lessons learnt and good practice in cultural projects management.

  • Composing trustworthiness #3: Artificial Intelligence in International Cultural Relations

    In the third episode of the miniseries entitled Composing trustworthiness, we dive deep into our core topic: the impact of Artificial Intelligence on International Cultural Relations, and the way this disruptive technology drives or impedes relations with partners around the globe. 

  • (Re)generating trust #1: Creating bridges for youth in culture

    In this first episode of the miniseries (Re)generating trust that tackles the not-so-obvious link between youth and culture, we hear inspirational examples of artistic and cultural collaboration between Europe and Rwanda and learn how European cultural centres can act as bridges.

  • Composing trustworthiness #2: Artificial Intelligence and European values

    In this second episode of the miniseries entitled Composing trustworthiness, we ask our experts from different cultural and diplomatic fields: How are European values reflected in its regulatory approach? Is this approach to AI compatible with other cultures and does it sufficiently consider the cultural and creative sector?

  • Composing trustworthiness #1: Artificial Intelligence vs. culture

    Our new miniseries entitled Composing trustworthiness explores the impact of Artificial Intelligene (AI) on international cultural relations. In this first episode we focus on the importance of culture for AI development, and vice versa the influence of AI on culture.