Our services

Founded in 2018, Culture Solutions is a not-for-profit service provider of trust-building space, know-how circulation and information sharing. We produce commons. We focus our services in 5 areas: information circulation, open & neutral space for dialogue on EU international cultural relations, independent policy analysis and monitoring, training and know-how sharing, assistance to implementation.



Information sharing


Although EU institutions and Member States’ administrations often do their best to inform the public about what they do, their resources and time to communicate externally are limited.

For the sake of transparency and equal access to policy-making, culture Solutions gathers and shares relevant information on EU policy-making in the field of EU international cultural relations.

We share on social media, this website and the specialised newsletter, as well as in dedicated and special events and activities we organise with our partners.


What we have done so far in this area:


Rejuvenating EU-LAC cultural relations from the bottom-up

This second blog post uncovers the flourishing EU-LAC collaboration at the grass-roots level. Drawing from the key take-aways of the EU-LAC Forum, the analysis proposes a list of recommendations for strengthening bi-regional cultural relations in the areas of youth, inclusive and just transition.


Les nouveaux modèles européens de la culture: l’exemple de Tfanen – Tunisie créative

Another blog post derived from Damien Helly’s participation in the 2021/22 session of the Cycle des Hautes Etudes de la Culture (CHEC) of the French Ministry of Culture, this contribution looks back at the example of the EU-funded programme Tfanen-Tunisie créative as a source of inspiration to refresh French external cultural action through joined-up EU initiatives. 


Five take-aways for EU institutions and Mondiacult: Voices of Culture Global Dialogue on International Cultural Relations

Reflecting on the key themes in the report of the Voices of Culture dialogue on International Cultural Relations, this blog sets out possible next steps, emphasising the role of the EU in close partnership with CSOs and the cultural sector – even more important in the run-up to Mondiacult.



Newsletter From articles, to events and cultural trends, our newsletter will keep you posted on the latest EU…
> More information sharing

Open & Neutral Space for Dialogue

Many Europeans working in external cultural action would like to have more opportunities to learn and share from their peers and colleagues.

Because of the institutional affiliations and mandates or because of the distance existing between officials and cultural professionals and artists, the potential for dialogue and encounters is limited.

culture Solutions creates conditions for exchanges between professionals who rarely have the opportunity to meet and deepen their relationship.

Our team and friends representing culture Solutions intervene in our own events and/or in our partners’ activities as contributors, curators, co-designers, facilitators, moderators or mediators.

What we have done so far in this area:


Policy directions in EU international cultural relations, towards 2024

The select roundtable “Policy directions in EU international cultural relations, towards 2024” gathered more than 50 key Brussels-based policy-makers, networks’ representatives and professionals from the cultural field, offering them a space for dialogue on the place of cultural action in the EU external agenda.


(Re)generating trust #1: Creating bridges for youth in culture

In this first episode of the miniseries (Re)generating trust that tackles the not-so-obvious link between youth and culture, we hear inspirational examples of artistic and cultural collaboration between Europe and Rwanda and learn how European cultural centres can act as bridges.


Composing trust #1: Cultural heritage protection in crisis

This podcast addresses the European Union’s role and actions in cultural heritage protection in times of crises. The aim is to highlight the importance of cultural heritage protection (and prevention) and discuss this issue from multiple perspectives, such as climate change, questions of decolonisation, the role of civil society and grassroot initiatives, among others.


cS Brief #12: Cultural Heritage Protection in crises: strengthening the EU’s role

Taking stock of the EEAS first annual report on the implementation of the EU strategic framework on cultural heritage in crises, this brief builds on the debate held at the joint EUISS-cS roundtable and provides updates in light of the recent developments in Ukraine and other countries.

> More dialogue

Independent policy analysis and monitoring

Even if culture Solutions, as a social innovation group, is much more than a think-and-do tank, we also are one, providing non-partisan and evidence-base monitoring and analysis of EU policies in the field of international cultural relations.

Our flagship analytical product is the research report on the implementation of EU international cultural relations policies entitled “Composing trust”.

We also produce, edit and publish blogs and specific studies by guest authors.

What we have done so far in this area:


Weapons and renewable energy for peace and climate: A European Culture Facility

A year into the Russian invasion of Ukraine, this blog post argues that the EU and its Member States urgently need to adjust their external cultural action to recent geopolitical paradigm shifts. It is now time to create a European Culture Facility to live up to climate, security and cultural challenges and avoid risks of international audiences’ indifference.

EP resolution

Making the difference: culture Solutions’ recommendations reflected in the 14 December 2022 European Parliament’s Resolution

This blog post looks at the European Parliament’s December 2022 Resolution on the implementation of the New Agenda for Culture (2023-2026) and the EU strategy for international cultural relations, and connects its main recommendations to culture Solutions’ past contributions.

billion blog featured

1 billion for EU international cultural relations by 2027

Find here the speech given by Damien Helly at the European Parliament’s public hearing on EU international cultural relations. It summarises culture Solutions’ analyses on the implementation of the EU cultural relations policy framework and suggests a set of priorities for the Council Work Plan on Culture 2022-2025.

> More policy analysis

Training and know-how sharing

Life-long learning has become an imperative for everyone in a rapidly changing world.

We will design and conduct specialised training and learning activities to enhance the skills of all those who want to contribute to better EU international cultural relations. By doing so, we will also keep learning from you.

Some will need to learn how to develop the cultural side of their international work; others will benefit from know-how exchange on EU policies and their contributions to them; some will realise they still can learn a lot to work in a truly European way.

What we have done so far in this area:


culture Solutions 2023 events and more

In 2023, culture Solutions held an important round table at the European Parliament, co-organised another one, and was invited to speak at several events. Check the key highlights in this blog.


culture Solutions looks back at the 2022 events

In 2022, culture Solutions was invited to speak at or analyse important public events and co-organised one roundtable. Find out which and access the articles summarising the key highlights in this blog.


culture Solutions closes an eventful year with a gathering in Brussels

In 2021, culture Solutions collaborators organised one physical event, facilitated two webinars held by partners, and spoke at 6 other events. Read more and find the supplementary materials in this blog.


#TeamEurope impact: Effective Digital Communities of Practice

After defining what a Community of Practice is, this blog post by our Training and know-how sharing team zooms into the methodology behind building digital European communities that have a global remit and inclusivity at the core.


#TeamEurope: A community of practice on culture for EU Delegations

DG INTPA’s Culture Seminars, delivered by culture Solutions, have highlighted the need for a Community of Practice. Read more about how to embed culture across EU’s external actions in this blog post.

> More training

Implementation support

We are also doers and can contribute to your action by sharing our experience, contacts, networks and advice. We love to create striking emotions across borders through efficient initiatives.

If you:

  • need to design international cultural programmes with a European touch
  • ambition to be funded by the EU for an international cultural initiative
  • wish to cooperate more with other European cultural professionals internationally

come to us and let’s have a chat!

What we have done so far in this area:


Event report #4: AU-EU cultural relations partnership

This Event report shares culture Solutions’ reflections on the events of the 2022 Africa-Europe Week and what they tell us about the aspects of the AU-EU partnership that matter most in the post-COVID context.


Event report #3: EU action for culture in Africa, Caribbean and Pacific

This event report informs about current trends and opportunities in the ACP-EU Culture programme, clustered around 5 themes (digital acceleration, CCI economics, access to culture, decent employment and sustainability).


Event report #2: Restoring Livelihoods Through Culture in Yemen

The report higlights the lessons learnt from the UNESCO-European Union virtual conference “Restoring Livelihoods Through Culture in Yemen”, by focusing on the key themes discussed and the perspectives on next steps and future growth.

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Event report #1: The role of the European Union in the protection and enhancement of cultural heritage in conflict and crisis

On 12 and 13 November 2020, culture Solutions facilitated the international conference on “The role of the European Union on the Protection and Enhancement of Cultural Heritage in conflict and post-conflict contexts and mediation” organised by the EEAS.

> More implementation