


climate action featured

cS Proposal #1: How can EU cultural actors contribute to Creative Climate Action?

This proposal aims to enable EU cultural actors, their partners and wider audiences to engage and bridge culture and climate action.


Rapport d’événement #5: 2024 : Quelles ambitions pourl’agenda culturel extérieur de l’UE?

Ce rapport d’événement présente le contenu des débats du 27 juin 2023 autour de trois thèmes : évaluation, l’Ukraine et la géopolitique et l’agenda 2024. Il présente également des conclusions claires et la voie à suivre pour les relations culturelles extérieures de l’UE.

Report 2024 roundtable

Event report #5: 2024: Towards a refreshed EU external cultural agenda

This event report presents the content of the debates held on 27 June 2023, focusing on three themes: taking stock, Ukraine and geopolitics, and the 2024 agenda. It also presents clear conclusions and way forward for the EU’s external cultural relations.



Rejuvenating EU-LAC cultural relations from the bottom-up

This second blog post uncovers the flourishing EU-LAC collaboration at the grass-roots level. Drawing from the key take-aways of the EU-LAC Forum, the analysis proposes a list of recommendations for strengthening bi-regional cultural relations in the areas of youth, inclusive and just transition.


EU-LAC cultural diplomacy: from natural partners to partners of choice, via Madrid

After the EU-CELAC Summit in July 2023, this blog post focuses on the political context and the cultural cooperation at the official level. It examines the New Agenda for EU-LAC relations and the role of Spain, which currently holds the rotating presidency of the Council of the EU.


Weapons and renewable energy for peace and climate: A European Culture Facility

A year into the Russian invasion of Ukraine, this blog post argues that the EU and its Member States urgently need to adjust their external cultural action to recent geopolitical paradigm shifts. It is now time to create a European Culture Facility to live up to climate, security and cultural challenges and avoid risks of international audiences’ indifference.


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